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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The. End.

This week is a little hectic between finishing up my internship, packing up my apartment and trying to get some last minute social time with everyone down here. I don't have loads of time to blog so I'm making this my last post *tear*. I have absolutely loved it here at Auburn and I have learned so much.  The staff at the veterinary hospital is amazing. There are so many people that are so knowledgeable about what they do and are excited to teach anyone who is willing to learn.  I wanted to thank everyone there that trusted me to do all kinds of things,  taught me a ridiculous amount of stuff and let me help them even when they didn't really need it.

I will always have a little soft spot for my peeps in Neuro and Anesthesia who will forever know me as "Eeyore" and to my pals in Onco who let me run their anesthesia and do an epidural and blood draws on their patients all the time. It was a tough decision not to stay at Auburn (especially with the incessant guilt trips about it!!) and I will definitely miss all of the people there that I had the opportunity to work with.

For all of the Bel-Rea kids going into internship, here's a tidbit or two of advice from my experience. First, be willing to learn different ways of doing things that what we were taught in school. It's important to communicate that you have a good base of knowledge without being the dreaded "know-it-all", asking questions that make is clear that you have some sense of what you're talking about but that you don't already know the answer to is not only a great way to do that but to also communicate that you are willing and eager to learn.  Second, TAKE INITIATIVE! Sure, it'll take a few days to adjust, but do not spend the first several weeks like a bump on a log because no one is specifically asking you to help with things. Ask people "hey is there anything I can help with?", "do you need help?", "let me know if you need anything"; they will get you involved if you keep asking.  Third, don't be afraid to make mistakes or ask for help if you don't know how to do something. Hello? You're a student, you're learning, they are there to help and teach you. Last, have fun. Enjoy it, this is the beginning of your career, you might as well make it a good one.

For all of my blog readers. Thank you so much for reading this and giving me your feedback. I hope that it's been informative, educational, maybe mildly entertaining?? I may start blogging again in the future...we shall see.

That's it for me! Good luck to all the Bel-Rea kids whether it's passing tests or finding jobs. To my Auburn peeps, goodbye FOR NOW and thank you so much for everything you've taught me and for making me feel welcome. I heart you all :)

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