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Thursday, March 31, 2011

...and now for something completely different

Ok people, today was a horribly depressing day for the Oncology department. Two patients were euthanized and two more discontinued treatment, which essentially means that they have no more options and the treatment is not helping enough to justify it being continued. Crappy. Therefore, I don't care to blog about it in detail so I'm going to blog about something random regarding my current life in Auburn, Alabama.

Work aside, today was a glorious day. Why you ask? Because I found a real, new, beautiful, wonderous grocery store contained within a splendidly fantastic shopping center that makes me feel as if I really am in a civilized part of the post 1987 United States.  Keep in mind that I have been living in Denver (read tree hugger central where tofu is more prevalent than spam) and perhaps have been spoiled slightly over the last year and a half. Prior to today I had been shopping at the Winn-Dixie down the road. Now, it wasn't horrible or anything but let's just say that several of the staple items in my diet and any acceptable substitutes were unavailable, oh AND the block of cheese I bought there was EXPIRED! Do NOT mess with my cheese people, I don't tolerate that well.

Anyway, I decided to meander on down to the "Tiger Town" Shopping Center (it's the Auburn Tigers if you were wondering) and it was much like I imagine entering Heaven's pearly gates would be.  The shopping center is brand spanking new and it contains many of the most wonderful stores and restaurants on the planet. These include Target, PetCo (they are one of the few that carry my cat's food), Moe's Southwest Grill, Chick-fil-a and last but certainly not least the oasis in the desert of groceryville...Kroger. Oh sweet Kroger, I love you dearly with your deli/bakery, your expansive produce section containing items that don't appear to have been shaken in a box like a maraca, your natural foods section with my favorite ever granola, a respectable beer selection containing options other than bud and miller light and perhaps the most important component of any quality grocery store...the gourmet cheese island.  Unfortunately, it is not an actual island made of cheese but a refrigerated structure containing an extensive selection of quality cheeses.  Were it actually a landmass composed entirely of cheese, I may be convinced to move here long term given I also had a dedicated team of medical health professionals to continuously monitor my condition as I embark on a dairy-only diet.

I had to restrain myself from dancing a joyous jig amidst the fresh produce, meats and organic foods. Although I don't really ever actually purchase organic anything, I was overjoyed to know that, if I really wanted acai juice with no preservatives and some organic-y something or other, I could have it. Also, within that glorious section, I found my most favorite granola ever in the whole wide world which, before leaving Denver, I seriously considered buying in bulk to get me through my ten weeks down here. But alas, I have found it and my mornings shall once again be full of whole grain and protein.  What better way to end a crappy day than to have granola and non-expired cheese in my kitchen and a cold Tommyknocker Jack Whacker Wheat Ale in my hand?

I knew the Deep South was making progress, I just knew it.

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